Food Bank's Next Drive-Thru Distribution is Thursday

(Cleveland) - The Greater Cleveland Food Bank will do its next drive-thru food distribution, Thursday, April 23, from 2-5 p.m., at the Muni Parking Lot next to the East Shoreway (State Route 2).

The Food Bank will distribute fresh produce and shelf-stable foods, in pre-packed boxes, to families that meet financial requirements.

Anyone attending must adhere to these guidelines:

You must pre-register online. You will receive a number, and must bring that number, displayed in your car window.

This is drive-up only, no walk-up clients.

You will not need to leave your vehicle, but you must have your trunk empty so the box can be placed there.

Traffic coming from the east should follow Route 2, and use the S. Marginal Road exit (Exit 106).

Traffic coming from the south (I-71 or eastbound I-90) or west (Route 2) must follow I-90 to the E. 55th Street exit, then make two right turns onto S. Marginal.

Any questions can be directed to the Food Bank's Help Center at 216-738-2067.

(Copyright 2020, iHeartMedia)

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